Sublime Drum & Bass


This sample pack contains an immense collection of absolutely stunning Drum & Bass stems, loops, midi, one shots and fx. Broken down into individual elements Sublime Drum & Bass transforms your studio into an extraordinary powerhouse of sensual DnB.

Beautiful crafted from years of experience this library delves into a majestic world of rolling percussion, etherial melodies, seductive drops, understated vocals, organic stems, remarkable loops for instant gratification and a bundle of midi for aural programming pleasure. Combing elements of Neurofunk and Liquid DnB has enveloped the senses with a range of sonic tools that will focus your productions on a whole new dimension of Drum & Bass music. The strikingly beautiful sample pack ensures you can access the sounds, loops, stems and midi when you need. It’s extensive categories, styles and melodic expression grant access to unprecedented levels of Drum & Bass programming power.

All loops, samples, stems and one shots have been formatted, labelled, grouped and mastered to increase your workflow. Breath new life into your tracks with pristine 24-Bit Wav, tempo & key named files with master Midi files. Zip files have been masterfully scrunched to improve download time. Don’t forget Zenhiser’s seal of approval safeguards your sample library with only exclusive sounds, so download this pack instantly and get inventive.

Song Starters x5 - 110 audio stems (includes sub basslines, reece bass, percussion, drops, pads, synths, drum sounds, fx, vocals etc)
Song Starters x5 - 5 midi stems (includes basslines, pads, subs, synths, leads etc)
Drum Hits - 01 Kicks - 20
Drum Hits - 02 - Hi Hats - 20
Drum Hits - 03 Snares - 20
Drum Hits - 04 Percussion - 20
Drum Hits - 05 Crash & Rides - 20
Loops - Basslines - 25
Loops - Drum Loops - 75
Loops - Full Mix - 25
Loops - Melodies - 69
Loops - Midi - 25
Loops - Synth - 49
One Shots - FX  - 28
One Shots - Synth Hits - 22

Total Samples - 503
Total Midi - 30
Tempo - 172bpm - 176bpm
Info - Key: Yes
Unzip Size - 4.7GB
Zip Size: 2.4GB

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