Lithium - Techno


Exceptional from the word go, ‘Lithium - Techno’ slices and dices the Techno world into a monumental collection of forward thinking Techno sounds. Organic, deep and modular you’ll have a blast using these sounds.

Delve deep into the caverns and you’ll realise how extraordinary this sample pack is. Not only does it cover producers essentials including stems, loops, one shots and midi but ‘Lithium - Techno’ takes one step further. Knowing what Techno producers really need in their tracks, this sample pack offers an additional collection of syncopated drum beats, a 99 strong block of bass fx and an essential 99 sample heavy array of fx atmos. That’s over 1000 inspirational Techno beats, basslines, synth loops, instrumental loops, full mixes, drum sounds, midi, one shots and fx. Packs this strong and encompassing just don’t come around very often.

Sealing the deal with a pack you can not live without, ‘Lithium - Techno’ is everything you need if you’re a Techno producer.

Song Starters (Stems) x5
Includes individual drum sounds, bass leads, arpeggios, chords, fx, modular synths - 69
Drum Hits - 01 Kicks - 87
Drum Hits - 02 Hi Hats - 36
Drum Hits - 03 Percussion - 99
Loops - Bassline - 25
Loops - Bonus Drum Beats - 135
Loops - Drum Beat - 100
Loops - Full Mix - 25
Loops - Instrument & Vox - 39
Loops - Midi - 73
Loops - Synth - 92
One Shots - Bass FX - 99
One Shots - FX - Atmos - 99
One Shots - FX - Percussion - 30
One Shots - FX - White Noise - 14

Total Samples - 935
Total Midi - 92
Total Presets - 0
Tempo - 125bpm - 131bpm
Key Info - Yes

Audio - 24-Bit Wav
Unzip Size - 5.5GB
Zip Size - 3.9GB

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